Hi! I’m Lauren McGurrin, and every day I wake up hungry to live my best life in and out of the kitchen.
My love of food fueled the start of my wild culinary career in New York City. Over the past ten years, I’ve worked as a cook for high profile restaurant openings, Michelin-starred establishments, and celebrities. I’ve also worked as a recipe developer and a food stylist for food media and corporate advertising. These experiences made me a great classically trained chef. However, the hustle culture of the kitchen left me feeling burnt out, frustrated, and further away from my core identity.
In order to fall back in love with food, I turned to mystical practices. I taught myself herbalism, folk magic, tarot, and ancestral veneration to help feel more in touch with myself and my career. I began to understand how deeply these themes played a role in the kitchen, and started combining these modalities to transform my life. From there, I began developing my own forms of kitchen witchcraft, including my own food and herbalism based tarot deck.
Cooking and eating are two of my greatest healers, teachers, and sources of joy. I’m passionate about helping my clients find the same connection to the kitchen and to themselves.
I’m particularly passionate about the following areas of interest.
~ Using the kitchen as a space for play and ritual
~ Teaching you to cook comfortably without recipes
~ Making vegetable-focused food for omnivores
~ Activating the public’s involvement in food justice
I believe that all these topics are interconnected, and that joy and fulfillment in the kitchen are the first steps to taking a greater interest in the food system at large.