Inexpensive Tools of the Trade
Inexpensive tools that will drastically uplevel your kitchen game.
I used to think of myself as a minimalist. I thought that less was categorically more, and that I’d largely rather do without. While I still think things should be purchased with intention, I now would add that having the right tool for the job hugely affects the outcome of your projects, both in food and otherwise. In the words of Martha Beck, “the way you do anything is the way you do everything.” Attention to the right details compound to make a much better product than you would have otherwise. This list is a quick glimpse into some inexpensive equipment that makes my cooking faster, easier, and more elegant looking.
What do I look for in a kitchen tool? A big rule of thumb in our home is that any item must serve multiple functions. A rice cooker alone, for instance, is out of the question if a pot would do, as is a crepe pan. These particular tools are also of really good value, showing that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to vastly improve your meals.
Curious? Let’s get into it!
Heatproof Rubber Mini-Spatula
Heatproof rubber spatulas are not just cute kitchen objects. They are often the best task to stir a pot because they have the most surface area contact with its bottom. Mini spatulas take this superpower to the next level because they allow you more control in smaller bowls and fit well in small crevices in blenders. I keep two in my tool kit at any given moment in case I have multiple sauces working.
Bowl Scraper
What is the difference between and a bench and a bowl scraper? Bench scrapers are metal, rectangular, and often had a wooden handle. Bowl scrapers are made out of plastic and have one flat and one curved side. They are especially useful to help you move mise en place off your cutting board, scraping a bowl clean, cleaning your bench, or sectioning dough.
Microplanes are used to remove the zest from citrus, but they also have many more great applications. They replace a garlic crusher, they can be used to grate nutmeg or a little cinnamon, and they are excellent for parmesan or even for finely shaved sausage. Microplanes need replacing every once in a while once the teeth are no longer sharp, but they are an inexpensive and highly useful investment.
Serrated Pairing Knife
This item is likely my favorite on the list. Serrated pairing knives a don’t need to be sharpened, are incredibly useful for cleaning vegetables. They come in a easily manageable size that leads to very precise knife cuts. I use one of these for most of my day-to-day knife uses tasks. The price make this an incredibly cost-effective tool that I love to use.
Long Tweezers
Many cooks roll their eyes at “tweezer food,” thinking it’s a food of the long tweezers are the best for sautéing because they allow you to safely and gracefully turn vegetables and meats in a pan without a clunky pair of tongs. These have been recently popularized by chef Sohla El-Waylly, who used to use them all of the time on her Bon Appetit cooking segments.