Snack on These Healthy Coconut-Cherry Truffles

These snacks are a quick, simple, tasty herbal remedy,

At my core, I am a grazer by nature. I would much rather eat small bites of lots of things all day than have a couple of large meals. I felt most in tune with this rhythm in college, when I was studying and snacking simultaneously. I would purchase wasabi peanuts (far superior to their more popular sibling, wasabi peas) from the bulk section, and munch on them while writing papers or running from class to work.

There’s no problem with this intrinsically, but I dislike most packaged snacks beyond crunchy salty things like chips. Please don’t make me pretend to crave granola— it’s too dry to be a properly satisfying snack.

Enter this hype food item in the wellness world: “bliss balls.”

What is a bliss ball? A bliss ball looks like a truffle, and is often filled with pulsed dry fruit, nuts, seeds, and adaptogens. They are a source of energy that won’t peter out an hour later, they’re super portable, and they’re fun to eat. Most of the time these balls use dates as their primary sweetener, possibly supplemented by some maple syrup.

I tried throwing my own bliss balls together, using my favorite dried fruits: cherries and coconut. Between the two things, I think these bliss balls are sweet enough. If you disagree, feel free to throw in a tablespoon of maple syrup or a date.

Coconut-Cherry Truffles

Makes roughly 13 balls


200g (1.5 cups) cups dried bing cherries

42g (1/2 cup) almond flour

12g (2 T) cacao powder

9g (1 T) maca root

10g (2 t) ashwaganda powder

26g (2 T) coconut oil

Unsweetened shredded coconut, for rolling.


Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until all the ingredients form a loose dough. If you grab a handful between your fingers, it should clump together. Then use your tablespoon measure, a small cookie dough scoop, or a regular spoon to scoop little balls of dough. Using your hands, roll each ball into a more uniform shape, then toss them in unsweetened shredded coconut. Refrigerate for 20 minutes to solidify the shape, and continue to store them in the refrigerator to preserve them.


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